Suddenly, dating becomes easy. Fun. Exciting.

And then, the REAL magic happens.

When you go out with friends, or meet an ex who took you for granted...

You have a choice here.

You can ignore my advice and keep playing by men's rules...

Or, you can take control starting today.

Chasing men doesn't have to be your norm anymore.

You don't have to beg men for affection or commitment.

You can find a way to make them eagerly pursue you instead...

You can feel confident, desired, and in control...

You can have the committed relationship you really want...

And feel excited about dating again.

But at a cost.

You feel anxious and insecure.


Like you're not enough.

Why can’t dating just be different?

Why won’t men commit to you without playing games?

Why can’t you just have a normal, secure relationship?

Why does dating have to be so hard and draining?

You just want to feel desired and at peace in a relationship...

You don’t WANT to beg men for attention and affection.

But you do it because nothing else has worked to get his commitment.

Because you’re tired of guys losing interest and you’re impatient to find lasting love.

Because after long days you just want to feel desired without playing games.

Because men just won’t fully commit even when you give them your all.

It shouldn’t be THAT hard to get commitment and devotion from a man, right?

By talking to countless women, I've seen what happens if they keep using nice girl tactics on men.

I’ve seen the same 7 deadly consequences of the anxious waiting cycle happen repeatedly:

If you don’t stop using nice girl tactics:

  • You'll doubt yourself more over time: You'll develop deep insecurities and feel utterly unworthy of real love and commitment. No woman is born feeling insecure or unlovable - these feelings are gradually shaped by negative experiences and settling for less.
  • You'll feel desperate and ashamed: Even though you try your hardest to make them commit, you'll end up feeling pathetic and powerless whenever you have to beg for scraps of affection or attention from indifferent men. This slowly eats away at your self-worth.
  • You'll feel like you have no control: When being extra nice, available, and going the extra mile stops working, then what? Chasing them harder? Settling for less than you deserve? Making excuses for them? Deep down you know you deserve much better treatment than this.
  • You'll attract other players and timewasters: If you signal it's okay for men to use you for attention and take you for granted, more will. You'll get a reputation as an easy target, and good guys will steer clear.
  • You'll damage your ability to create real intimacy: Every time you settle for less or ignore red flags, you'll trust yourself less to spot the sincerely good guys from the players and timewasters. Your judgment and standards will suffer.
  • You'll become emotionally numb: After enough disappointment, you'll start feeling detached in relationships to avoid getting hurt again. You'll have a hard time bonding deeply with someone new.
  • You'll lose faith in love: All the disappointment, unmet needs and betrayal will jade you over time. You'll become cynical, believing real commitment doesn't exist. Don't let this happen to you. Know your worth!

I’m not saying this to scare you.

It’s just the harsh reality many women face.

Only YOU can choose to accept it, ignore it, or do something.

The more you rely on nice girl tactics, the more your self-worth suffers.

By now you know it’s time to STOP the endless anxious waiting cycle for good.

The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to change direction.

The more you settle, the more your self-confidence deteriorates.

We both know it's time to STOP the cycle for good.

The only question is – HOW?

Here's everything you'll get when you order the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist:

This checklist gives you 70+ wickedly effective femme fatale techniques to make him utterly devoted, including:

"The Gaze" - hypnotize him with your gorgeous eyes, pierce his soul and reveal your deepest desires. This makes him feel exposed but also crave your fiery passion.

Skillful teasing tactics to constantly keep him chasing your affection. He'll be hooked on the emotional rollercoaster and begging for more.

Clever mixed signal methods that keep him guessing, wondering if you're into him. This builds intrigue and keeps him hungry for more.

Dark sensuality skills to tap into his most primal, lustful cravings. Use these make any man desperate to explore your wild side.

Thrilling intellectual sparring to engage his mind and captivate him with your brilliance. He'll be in awe of your razor-sharp intellect.

Seductive body language moves that lure him into submission. Sway those hips, bat those lashes, and render him powerless to resist.

Confidence boosting techniques to make him worship you like a goddess. He'll be hypnotized by your bold self-assurance.

Inspiration for embracing independence that intrigues and frustrates him. Make him addicted to the chase.

Flirtation tips to seduce him with your words, touch and smoldering presence. Stoke his desires and leave him begging for more.

Unpredictable enchantress wisdom to constantly keep him guessing and hooked on you. Be sweet, then savage, always a mystery.

And so much more! This checklist equips you with the exact skills to wrap any man around your finger.

ONLY $19

Usually $99.99  80 % OFF

Get Him Madly In Love Or It’s FREE

Try the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Checklist 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations for getting his devotion, let us know within 60 days for a full refund - no questions asked!

For women ready to captivate & control any man...

Get Any Man Utterly Obsessed, Addicted and Under Your Control with the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Checklist

Without Needy Texts, Begging For Attention, Validation Seeking, Overanalyzing, Mind Games, Manipulation, Ultimatums, Stress and Sleepless Nights

Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Checklist

4.82 / 5 based on 841 reviews

  • 70+ wicked dark femme fatale tactics to wrap any man around your finger
  • Psychological tactics to get inside his head and control his desires
  • Easy mind tricks to make him crave your attention like a drug
  • Confidence boosting advice to embrace your powerful inner femme fatale
  • Subtle touch techniques to keep him addicted to your sensual self
  • Femme fatale conversation skills to seduce him with your words
  • How to detect and exploit his secret fantasies and vulnerabilities
  • Potent pleasure principles to wrap him around your finger
  • Lifetime access - use the dark arts of femme fatale seduction again and again!
  • Know exactly how to capture his undivided attention whenever you want
  • Make him view pleasing and pampering you as his purpose in life. He'll happily serve you and consider it an honor just to be near you.
  • Stop begging this man for affection or letting him call all the shots. Take control and make him chase you instead!
  • No more rejection or feeling insecure in your feminine allure. You'll be a confident femme fatale who effortlessly controls any situation.
  • Vastly improve your relationships by wielding your newfound feminine power. He'll be utterly obsessed and committed to pleasing you.
  • Transform into an irresistible seductress no man can resist or forget. You'll have him wrapped around your finger!
  • Have the upper hand in any relationship. He'll revere you as his goddess and highest priority. Your needs will always come first without you needing to ask.


  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.


satisfied customers

This checklist gives you a step-by-step formula for getting any man utterly obsessed that doesn’t require begging, pleading or letting him call the shots...

That doesn’t leave you feeling insecure, anxious or worried he'll lose interest...

That doesn’t end with rejection, mixed signals, or him giving you breadcrumbs of affection...

That doesn’t give him all the power while you wait anxiously hoping for his attention...

And it makes sure the relationship is focused on YOUR needs first, not just his.

Instead, it uses powerful femme fatale seduction techniques to make him devoted to pleasing you and meeting your every need.

...because he WANTS to, not because he HAS to.

With this checklist, you can have any man utterly obsessed and committed to your happiness in as little as 7 days.

You can finally enjoy a relationship on your terms filled with romance, gifts, and his undivided attention...

You can stop settling and get the passionate, fulfilling relationship you really want...

You can relax and feel secure knowing he's completely fixated on you and committed to meeting your needs.

And most importantly, you can become the confident, desired femme fatale who effortlessly CONTROLS her relationships.

What is the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Checklist?

Michelle Princic

Verified customer

omg had to share. used your talking tips from the checklist with my hubby (together 10 years, kinda hit a lull). suddenly, he's more attentive and we're laughing like teenagers. thank you!! you're amazing!

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Anna Hewson

Verified customer

where do I even START with your Femme Fatale checklist? i used to be so shy, but since i started following this, I feel like a WHOLE NEW ME! At work today, my boss, who barely noticed me before, loved my ideas! And that's not all, my work crush? He asked me out! 

Bonnie Reidel

Verified customer

Not sure if you take reviews here, but my ex who cheated on me is currently in my dms calling me his queen and begging for me back. Your checklist has literally changed my life in 3 days and is helping my mental health soooo much. You are incredible, i usually feel clingy nd sometimes needy but now feeling a little powerful.

Monica Patel

Verified customer

okay, this is wild but... my ex, the one who thought he could do better, has been blowing up my phone all week. He's all 'I miss you' and 'I messed up'. never thought I'd see the day. and it's all since I started applying what I learned from this checklist feels good to be in charge, ngl.

This Dark Femme Fatale Checklist is a SHORTCUT

Before I created this, I got endless messages from women frustrated that men weren’t giving them the love and devotion they deserve...

They told me guys were only half-interested until they used the femme fatale seduction techniques in this checklist.

When they used typical “nice girl” tactics, men saw them as desperate and became indifferent.

No matter what these women tried, they could never get a man utterly obsessed and completely committed...

They found themselves feeling anxious and insecure in relationship after relationship...

They almost had to beg and plead for men's attention, settling for breadcrumbs of affection...

They felt powerless watching men call all the shots while their needs went unmet...

These women had ENOUGH of anxiously waiting for men who never fully committed to them.

They could attract men easily, but could never get them devoted and committed...

Men would lose interest in them over time no matter what they did...

They found themselves always available for men who made no effort for them...

And they realized constantly settling was hurting their confidence and self-worth.

Luckily, after years of mentoring women, I developed this checklist - the formula for getting any man completely obsessed in as little as 7 days.

I spent over 10,000 hours creating this checklist through extensive research, trial and error, and working with thousands of women...

While counterintuitive at first, this femme fatale seduction framework works like a charm.

That’s why I never had to beg a man for attention or devotion ever again...

That’s how I was able to relax and feel secure in relationships instead of anxious...

And that’s how I’ll help you finally get the obsessive devotion you deserve without so much frustration and doubt!

Here’s how it works:

Yes, by going into “nice girl” mode, you MIGHT get some affection...

But instead, you’re in the endless waiting cycle, and you’re not alone.

When I surveyed thousands of women about dating challenges, I heard the same frustrations over and over:

"I used to make fun of women who played games with men. Now I'm begging guys to pay attention to me after one date."

"I've wasted years on timewasters and players who never cared about me. I'm so tired of meaningless flings."

"I grew up without a dad and have major trust issues now. I don't want my daughter thinking this is normal."

It breaks my heart reading these messages.

Especially because I know the consequences.

I know exactly what happens when women rely on "nice girl" tactics to get a man deeply fall in love with them.

The endless waiting cycle can cause irreparable damage to your confidence, relationships and mental health.

When you start using femme fatale seduction instead of “nice girl” tactics, magic happens.

Once you start using the techniques in my checklist (more later)...

You’ll simply say and do certain things around men...

Use the right words...

The right body language...

The right attitude...

And men will just become utterly captivated by you.

They'll eagerly cater to you and shower you with attention and affection.

They'll stare at you in awe.

They'll wonder:

"How's she got men begging at her feet?"

“What’s her secret?”

And you'll just be sitting there with a smug little smile, sipping your martini, knowing you've mastered the art of becoming a Femme Fatale.

You'll have men utterly obsessed and eating out of the palm of your hand. Dropping them Jedi mind tricks.

No more desperate, pathetic vibes. You'll be chill as a cucumber, confident in your feminine power.

Your dating life will be amazing. Passionate, dramatic, exciting AF on your terms.

You finally feel confident in your goddess-like power over men.

The solution isn't to become cold, unavailable or "one of the guys."

You don't ALWAYS have a "nice-girl" problem

When you're confident, energized, and in a good headspace, you rarely resort to chasing men.

If a relationship is going smoothly, there's no need to beg and plead.

But when conditions aren't ideal - which happens too often - that's when the desperate tactics kick in.

When you really like a guy and fear losing him...

When you're feeling insecure and unworthy of love...

When you just want affection without drama...

That's when your power starts slipping away.

So let me ask you - what have you tried to stop chasing unavailable men?

And what has actually worked?

It's not your fault you slip into "nice girl" mode.

How the this Dark Femme Fatale checklist was born

I created this checklist because of a "no chasing men" rule I followed in my dating life.

Since chasing was never an option, I always had to find another way. And I did.

I developed it after mentoring countless women on dating for over 5 years - from heartbroken single moms to instagram influencers.

I spent thousands of hours learning from experts in psychology, seduction, and relationships.

I tested countless approaches to see what works and what doesn't when it comes to making him obsessed.

And today, I'm thrilled to share it with you.

This simple solution: The real secret to making him obsessed nobody talks about

The Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist

This isn't just a quick list of superficial tips for getting male attention.

This is a comprehensive checklist equipping you with lasting skills for making men utterly obsessed.

We're talking lifelong tools, not just surface-level advice.

With this checklist, you'll transform from anxiously waiting by the phone to being the femme fatale who effortlessly inspires his obsession and controls his heart.

  • Make men eagerly pursue you without chasing them first
  • Break needy habits with femme fatale skills
  • Ditch that desperate initiator role forever and have him dying to take you out
  • Create that hot, addictive dynamic that keeps him hooked
  • Flirt and tease in a way that holds his attention and stops him from straying
  • Stop constantly working for crumbs of affection and commitment like some jabroni - know your worth!

This checklist unveils my most potent seduction tools and techniques in an easy-to-use format.

It's all about inspiring his devotion in an empowering, high-value way - no manipulation.

When he's pulling away, you'll know exactly how to re-capture his heart with these tools.

With this bite-sized checklist, you can start applying these skills immediately to control men.

Here's everything this Dark Femme Fatale Checklist includes:

  • Psychological tactics that leverage male psychology
  • Field-tested seduction solutions for common issues
  • Instructions for using your feminine wiles

In short - you'll have everything you need in one place to stop chasing and start attracting high-value men.

Your ultimate guide to feminine seduction and inspiring his devotion

See our Positive reviews on

If you're like most women, you've tried these common approaches.

And most likely, they haven't worked for you.

Here’s why:

  • Trying not to over-text: Having good intentions not to blow up his phone fade fast when you really like him and fear losing his interest. Willpower runs thin.
  • Meditation: Just builds up your anxious attachment style until you crack under pressure and blow up his phone anyway. And realistically, who has time for an hour of meditation daily to "calm down"?
  • Avoiding needy behavior: Sounds good, but when emotions run high and you're craving reassurance from him, needy instincts take over. Preventing needy behavior is tough in the heat of the moment.
  • Relying on friends for strength: Having strong girlfriends is great support until they're not around at 2am when you're lonely and tempted to drunk text him. Friends can't be your 24/7 emotional crutch.
  • Asking for commitment nicely: Communicating your needs is healthy, but doing so too early or desperately just puts him in a position of power while your needs go unmet and anxiety increases.
  • Ultimatums: Giving unrealistic ultimatums damages intimacy, makes you feel desperate when he doesn't comply, and rarely inspires real commitment. They usually backfire.

Typical advice like "play hard to get" or "act like you don't care" may sound good, but it's unrealistic and unsustainable. 

You can't fake indifference forever, nor should you have to play games to find love.

You already know suppressing your true feelings and needs doesn't lead to real intimacy and fulfillment. 

If playing hard to get actually worked long-term, you wouldn't be searching for something deeper.

You know all this, or you wouldn't be reading this page.

Join thousands of women who stopped chasing

These dark femme fatale tactics were tested by over 1,300 women.

They stopped playing by outdated "nice girl" rules and transformed into irresistible femmes fatales.

Here’s what some of them said about it:


Verified customer

"as a busy single mom, I never thought I'd find the time to date again. But your checklist gave me the skills and mindset to put myself out there with confidence! Once I implemented the texting techniques, this guy I met asked me out again the very next day! Thanks for the reminder that this mama's still got it!"


Verified customer

"i was dealing with a serious case of nice girl syndrome before reading this checklist. I was always the one putting in effort, texting first, planning dates - only to get taken advantage of. i started using the dark femme techniques and now guys are lining up to take ME out. They go out of their way to impress me without me asking."


Verified customer

"Was stuck in situationships with guys only wanting casual BS. But your femme fatale advice opened my eyes for real! Implemented your tips for inspiring devotion and this guy I was talking to asked me to be his girlfriend within weeks. No more gray area thanks for..."


Verified customer

"Guys are already asking me out again and flooding my dms you weren't playing around, these femme fatale tips WORK. Where was this advice my whole damn life lol."


Verified customer

"dated narcissists my whole life and was losing hope but your advice helped me see the red flags I was ignoring used your dark femme tips and started attracting men who actually care about me. just met someone amazing who treats me rewl nice. so grateful..."


Verified customer

"this checklist is straight up FIRE! Your advice is on point and so real. Had me dying at the sassy vibes, I can't. Been feeling myself so much more since I started using your tips like last week, it's perfect and has everything you need to level up your dating game. "


Verified customer

"Thank you so much for these tips! my ex played me bad and it was but after taking your advice and he's literally begging to get me back lol. you're out here changing lives!!!"


Verified customer

"Girl as a black queen I felt so unseen but when I read your section about embracing my beauty and power, I legit cried smh. Your words touched me so deep i feel so empowered and seen now thanks to you!! been using your tips for screening guys and its been liberating AF. Just met a man recently who absolutely worships me and my blackness!! So so blessed I found your checklist..."

Who is this dark femme fatale checklist right for?

“Get Him Madly In Love Or It’s FREE”

Now, if for any reason you aren't 100% thrilled with this dark femme fatale checklist...

Then we don’t want to keep your money.

That’s why we’re standing behind it with a no-questions-asked 60-day money-back guarantee.

I know that your love life will improve in just days. But just in case, I’ll give you 60 days of time to ask for a refund.

If the checklist doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, simply drop us an e-mail at and our team will return every penny you paid for this checklist.

The checklist is perfect for you if...

  • You're tired of chasing men and putting in effort that isn't reciprocated: If you're sick of always texting first, planning dates, and working for crumbs of affection, this checklist will show you how to have men eating out of the palm of your hand instead
  • You feel like you have no power in dating and relationships: If you've tried everything to capture a man's heart but NOTHING seems to make him commit, this checklist will give you the skills and mindset to wrap him around your finger.
  • You want an exciting, steamy love life with devoted partners, not lukewarm situations with guys who string you along: If you want to stop attracting guys who waste your time and start inspiring obsession from high-value men who treat you like a queen, this checklist is for you.
  • You're new to dating, divorced and getting back out there, or have been dating for years but keep repeating the same patterns: It doesn't matter if you're just learning the rules of seduction or are an experienced dater who needs a refresh - this checklist works at any stage and will help you level up.
  • You're single, dating around, or already with a partner you want to lock down in devotion: Regardless of your current relationship status, this checklist will equip you with skills to captivate men's hearts and have them utterly obsessed.

In short - this checklist will transform your love life.

But don’t take our word for it…

Limited time offer: Get the checklist for just $19

I believe every woman deserves access to the most effective seduction skills to inspire men's devotion...

Money should never stop you from making the best investment in your love life.

That's why I didn't price this at $100, $75, or even $50...

Even though those prices would be totally fair considering the value you'll get.

Because I want to empower as many women as possible to become utterly irresistible...

You can try the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist 100% risk-free for just $19.

That's less than a mani/pedi...

Less than a cocktail during happy hour...

It's even less than a cute new top.

Yet this checklist will bring you way more happiness than any impulse splurge.

It will bring you lasting fulfillment in dating, self-confidence, and exciting relationships you truly deserve.

It'll be the best $19 you've ever spent on your love life - guaranteed.

But don't just take my word for it.

Try the dark femme fatale checklist for yourself...

See the difference it makes for YOUR dating life...

And THEN decide if it's the real deal.

You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

For just nineteen bucks, you're getting the keys to unlock a man's devoted heart.

That's cheaper than a basic AF gym membership or two fast food meals.

And your love life is way more important than pumpin' iron or a few cheat meal calories, amiright?

Invest in leveling up your feminine skills, not just your summer bod.

Get the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist now and start experiencing the hypnotic power of seduction.

Make the small investment in yourself today, and get ready to have your pick of hopelessly devoted men tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly will I see results from using the checklist?

Do the seduction techniques work for all personality types (e.g. shy, outgoing, etc.)?

Is the checklist only for single women or can it help improve my existing relationship too?

What makes this different than other dating advice out there for women?

Do I need to be conventionally attractive for these techniques to work?

Is any special equipment/props needed or are all of the tips things I can implement on my own?

Will these techniques work on any man or are there some types who may be resistant?

What if I'm plus-size or don't fit mainstream beauty standards - will this advice still apply?

How can your average woman compete with models or influencers that men idolize online?

Aren't men mostly focused on looks alone? How can your checklist make them desire more?

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  • +1 800 531 3770

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I spent thousands of hours learning from experts in psychology, seduction, and relationships.

I tested countless approaches to see what works and what doesn't when it comes to making him obsessed.

And today, I'm thrilled to share it with you.

I created this checklist because of a "no chasing men" rule I followed in my dating life.

Since chasing was never an option, I always had to find another way. And I did.

I developed it after mentoring countless women on dating for over 5 years - from heartbroken single moms to instagram influencers.

See our Positive reviews on

  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.

Only YOU have the power to stop relying on nice girl tactics.

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Terms and Conditions

Here's everything you'll get when you order the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist:

This checklist gives you 70+ wickedly effective femme fatale techniques to make him utterly devoted, including:

"The Gaze" - hypnotize him with your gorgeous eyes, pierce his soul and reveal your deepest desires. This makes him feel exposed but also crave your fiery passion.

Skillful teasing tactics to constantly keep him chasing your affection. He'll be hooked on the emotional rollercoaster and begging for more.

Clever mixed signal methods that keep him guessing, wondering if you're into him. This builds intrigue and keeps him hungry for more.

Dark sensuality skills to tap into his most primal, lustful cravings. Use these make any man desperate to explore your wild side.

Thrilling intellectual sparring to engage his mind and captivate him with your brilliance. He'll be in awe of your razor-sharp intellect.

Seductive body language moves that lure him into submission. Sway those hips, bat those lashes, and render him powerless to resist.

Confidence boosting techniques to make him worship you like a goddess. He'll be hypnotized by your bold self-assurance.

Inspiration for embracing independence that intrigues and frustrates him. Make him addicted to the chase.

Flirtation tips to seduce him with your words, touch and smoldering presence. Stoke his desires and leave him begging for more.

Unpredictable enchantress wisdom to constantly keep him guessing and hooked on you. Be sweet, then savage, always a mystery.

And so much more! This checklist equips you with the exact skills to wrap any man around your finger.

ONLY $19

Usually $99.99  80 % OFF

Get Him Madly In Love Or It’s FREE

Try the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Checklist 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations for getting his devotion, let us know within 60 days for a full refund - no questions asked!

  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.

Here's everything you'll get when you order the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist:

This checklist gives you 70+ wickedly effective femme fatale techniques to make him utterly devoted, including:

"The Gaze" - hypnotize him with your gorgeous eyes, pierce his soul and reveal your deepest desires. This makes him feel exposed but also crave your fiery passion.

Skillful teasing tactics to constantly keep him chasing your affection. He'll be hooked on the emotional rollercoaster and begging for more.

Clever mixed signal methods that keep him guessing, wondering if you're into him. This builds intrigue and keeps him hungry for more.

Dark sensuality skills to tap into his most primal, lustful cravings. Use these make any man desperate to explore your wild side.

Thrilling intellectual sparring to engage his mind and captivate him with your brilliance. He'll be in awe of your razor-sharp intellect.

Seductive body language moves that lure him into submission. Sway those hips, bat those lashes, and render him powerless to resist.

Confidence boosting techniques to make him worship you like a goddess. He'll be hypnotized by your bold self-assurance.

Inspiration for embracing independence that intrigues and frustrates him. Make him addicted to the chase.

Flirtation tips to seduce him with your words, touch and smoldering presence. Stoke his desires and leave him begging for more.

Unpredictable enchantress wisdom to constantly keep him guessing and hooked on you. Be sweet, then savage, always a mystery.

And so much more! This checklist equips you with the exact skills to wrap any man around your finger.

ONLY $19

Usually $99.99  80 % OFF

Get Him Madly In Love Or It’s FREE

Try the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Checklist 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations for getting his devotion, let us know within 60 days for a full refund - no questions asked!

  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.

You don't have to play hard to get 24/7 or be emotionless.

That old-school "ice queen" approach just doesn't work, despite any hype.

Being too much of a cold diva:

  • Messes up true intimacy. If you play Miss Independent 24/7 and never let your barriers down, your relationships will lack passion, depth, connection. Not giving good energy. Men need to feel trusted and let in just like you do. If you stay closed off because you're salty from past hurts, how's a good man ever going to bond with the real you?
  • Isn't in your best interest. Playing hard to get short term makes you feel protected. Your shields are up against potential Players. But long term even a Prince Charming can't get close enough to really commit to you and satisfy your needs. Your walls will still leave you unfulfilled. 
  • Causes more issues. If you reject men's advances outright, diss their attempts at romance, give them constant ice grinds - they'll eventually stop pursuing you altogether. You can have standards and healthy boundaries without being too cold. Find that balance.
  • Makes your life stiff and lonely AF. If you shut out natural affection and passion trying to protect your heart, you'll miss out on one of life's greatest adventures - love. Don't numb yourself just because you've been hurt. Feel that full spectrum of emotions. The lows make the highs worthwhile.
  • Makes you jaded and cynical. After enough disappointment and unmet needs, you start assuming real romance doesn't even exist anymore. Your hope tank empties. But don't close off your heart for good. Keep believing in true love - it's out there. Stay open and one day your Prince will come.

Now I'm not saying to have zero standards or boundaries. Hells no. 

You need to have self-respect and healthy standards. Don't accept crumbs just because you're hungry.

But you also can't go full iceberg. Find that sweet spot in between.

You need the skills to captivate high quality men, while also maintaining your self-worth and boundaries.

It's a delicate dance. You mesmerize them with your feminine magic, but also command their respect. 

You let them glimpse your heart, but not tolerate any BS. That's how you win big in love.

My checklist uses feminine psychology techniques that captivate men's interest and make them pursue you.

The techniques are simple, effective, and easy to use.

With them, you'll never have to chase men again.

You'll never have to initiate, text first, or work for a man's attention again.

Because you'll always know how to inspire his passionate pursuit instead.

To help you avoid chasing and anxious waiting, I even included my 24 Irresistible Feminine Wiles Tips in the checklist.

You'll effortlessly use them to:

  • Capture his attention
  • Inspire him to pursue you
  • Stop him from pulling away
  • Get him to commit
  • Keep him hopelessly addicted

And more!

Today, I'm excited to finally share these powerful secrets with you.

I combined my best techniques into the Make Him Utterly Obsessed dark femme fatale checklist that is already used by over 2,000 women who stopped chasing men and started attracting commitment.

They were blown away by the immediate shift in their dating lives, told me how quickly men became hooked after using my techniques, and insisted I share them with more women.

So here I am! And in a moment, you'll get a taste of this Dark Femme Fatale Checklist too.

Without further ado, I'd like to invite you into...

Here's everything you'll get when you order the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist:

This checklist gives you 70+ wickedly effective femme fatale techniques to make him utterly devoted, including:

"The Gaze" - hypnotize him with your gorgeous eyes, pierce his soul and reveal your deepest desires. This makes him feel exposed but also crave your fiery passion.

Skillful teasing tactics to constantly keep him chasing your affection. He'll be hooked on the emotional rollercoaster and begging for more.

Clever mixed signal methods that keep him guessing, wondering if you're into him. This builds intrigue and keeps him hungry for more.

Dark sensuality skills to tap into his most primal, lustful cravings. Use these make any man desperate to explore your wild side.

Thrilling intellectual sparring to engage his mind and captivate him with your brilliance. He'll be in awe of your razor-sharp intellect.

Seductive body language moves that lure him into submission. Sway those hips, bat those lashes, and render him powerless to resist.

Confidence boosting techniques to make him worship you like a goddess. He'll be hypnotized by your bold self-assurance.

Inspiration for embracing independence that intrigues and frustrates him. Make him addicted to the chase.

Flirtation tips to seduce him with your words, touch and smoldering presence. Stoke his desires and leave him begging for more.

Unpredictable enchantress wisdom to constantly keep him guessing and hooked on you. Be sweet, then savage, always a mystery.

And so much more! This checklist equips you with the exact skills to wrap any man around your finger.

ONLY $19

Usually $99.99  80 % OFF

Get Him Madly In Love Or It’s FREE

Try the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Checklist 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations for getting his devotion, let us know within 60 days for a full refund - no questions asked!

  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.

Here's everything you'll get when you order the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Dark Femme Fatale Checklist:

This checklist gives you 70+ wickedly effective femme fatale techniques to make him utterly devoted, including:

"The Gaze" - hypnotize him with your gorgeous eyes, pierce his soul and reveal your deepest desires. This makes him feel exposed but also crave your fiery passion.

Skillful teasing tactics to constantly keep him chasing your affection. He'll be hooked on the emotional rollercoaster and begging for more.

Clever mixed signal methods that keep him guessing, wondering if you're into him. This builds intrigue and keeps him hungry for more.

Dark sensuality skills to tap into his most primal, lustful cravings. Use these make any man desperate to explore your wild side.

Thrilling intellectual sparring to engage his mind and captivate him with your brilliance. He'll be in awe of your razor-sharp intellect.

Seductive body language moves that lure him into submission. Sway those hips, bat those lashes, and render him powerless to resist.

Confidence boosting techniques to make him worship you like a goddess. He'll be hypnotized by your bold self-assurance.

Inspiration for embracing independence that intrigues and frustrates him. Make him addicted to the chase.

Flirtation tips to seduce him with your words, touch and smoldering presence. Stoke his desires and leave him begging for more.

Unpredictable enchantress wisdom to constantly keep him guessing and hooked on you. Be sweet, then savage, always a mystery.

And so much more! This checklist equips you with the exact skills to wrap any man around your finger.

ONLY $19

Usually $99.99  80 % OFF

Get Him Madly In Love Or It’s FREE

Try the Make Him Utterly Obsessed Checklist 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations for getting his devotion, let us know within 60 days for a full refund - no questions asked!

  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.
  • 100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.

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